Thursday, April 17, 2008

still going strong


I am still at it! I didn't get a chance to post anything yesterday but I have persevered. I did part of the T-Tapp level two yesterday. I didn't make it all the way through but did at least 15 minutes. Those T-Tapp DVD's are really tough. Wow! My legs are very sore, but it is a good sore you know? It feels good to be doing something again!
The fast is going very well. I have been very faithful to it. Even when my husband brought home ice cream! Augh! I just made up some delicious freshly juiced orange juice and I was fine. Last night I had some grape/apple juice. It was really good. When I took the grapes out to start juicing them they looked so good, they were nice and firm (I am a grape snob!) that I almost popped one in my mouth! Good thing I caught myself in time. The juice was very good. Usually during the day I am drinking carrot/apple, and then at night I will make a "dessert" juice as a treat for staying on the fast all day.
I am feeling more like I can succeed this time. It might be the weather. It is finally starting to warm up here and I can actually see grass in our front yard. Winters are so tough. I really do enjoy eating raw though. I feel so alive and vibrant. Even when I indulge in a delicious raw dessert I don't get that full, heavy feeling. I just feel fresh and clean. It is very hard to explain.
So today my goal is to do the breathing exercises again. Yesterday just slipped away and I never got a chance to do those. Part of the problem yesterday was that little baby girl never slept for more than 5 minutes at a time yesterday. I also hope to do the T-Tapp basic workout plus. Now I'm off to make some carrot juice!

1 comment:

Resa said...

So glad you're feeling great! Sounds like you're doing really well!! I miss my juice fast, isn't it just lovely?! Hard to explain, but it's a unique feeling. So light, and clean and fresh. I'm cheering you on, girl! From one extremist to another! ;o) LOL!