Saturday, March 8, 2008

Starting over

Ok, I know that I have been gone for a really long time. I am sorry. I totally fell off the healthy raw way of eating and I just cold not face getting back on here and fessing up. But here I am. I have regained almost all (if not all, our scale is broke which may be a good thing) of the weight that I lost. I was doing so well too. I did a 7 day fast and got down to 175 and was able to fit into some new clothes. So I am upset with myself to say the least. But I need to just begin again and stop beating myself up.
The good news is that I am excited about eating raw again. I had gotten to the point where I felt trapped by raw food. It is very hard to be the only one in the house that eats 100% raw. The children do love to eat fruits and veggies, but they are not all raw, and of course my hubby eats SAD. So it is tough. But I just need to overcome my cravings and focus on being healthy while trying to get the family to eat as much healthy food as I can. Our oldest is now a vegetarian. My meat and potatoes husband agreed to go vegetarian for a month starting at the beginning of January and we are still pretty much adhering to that. The two times we have had meat with a meal my oldest daughter has not had any and she told me that she doesn't want to eat meat anymore!! :) Our three year old doesn't eat meat either. And our 6 year old son told me tonight that he wants to eat raw with me. I'm not sure if that will stick or not, but it made me happy and I told him that he certainly could. We need to buy some more fruit though!!
So anyways, I'm back. I will be updating. I apoligize for neglecting this so long. I am glad to be back on raw again.

1 comment:

Paula said...

I can totally relate to your experience, totally! I recently went back raw and my Hubby too eats SAD. I prayer you'll be blessed as you begin eating raw again.