Monday, November 26, 2007

One month raw progress pictures

Ok so here I am at my one month progress update. I weighed myself this morning and I lost 14 pounds. I am down from 205 to 191. I know I should be very happy, and I am. I just don't really see a lot of imporvement in my pictures. Maybe next month there will be more of a difference. Anyways the jumper I am wearing in the second photo I could not fit into last month. It is too tight right now but I wanted to wear it so that hopefully next month we can see how much better it is fitting. At least I can zip it up now, which is an improvement over last month, so even though I can't see a lot of changes I know something is going on. My husband says that he can tell I have lost weight so that is a good thing.

So there you have it. It is embarring posting these pictures. But I really want to see my progress on this raw journey and hopefully, next month, the pictures will look a lot better.


FooFooBerry said...

You are looking great. I just finished my month six and it really gets easier as the months go by. Still it is hard socially but you just have to be prepared and bring your own treats whenever you leave your house.

I too am a Christian and am happy to meet a fellow Christian.

You have seen me on rawfoodtalk as Spiralgirl

Anonymous said...

Your blog and pictures are very encouraging. I admire your commitment. I am a Christian, too and am always happy when I come across other raw foodies who are walking the same path. Keep up the good work, I will look forward to visiting your blog often!

Zen.Beauty.Wellness. said...

You look fantastic!! Your skin and eyes look much brighter and it's only been one month! Give it time, be kind to yourself. The journey is what life is about, not the end result. Keep it up :)
-Jen (Im2Fruity)

Resa said...

I can tell a difference! You are looking healthier & happier & slimmer!!! Just give it time. You know what raw can do!