So this is the first day of my blog. I am hoping that by writing in here I can document my journey and be more accountable in my choices.
I first went raw back in '05 and lost a lot of weight. I have never looked or felt better. It wasn't just that I was thinner. My skin glowed. I felt radiant. I have the pictures to prove it too. We went through a very tough year involving moving, loss of job and income, fixing up a home, personal losses, ect. and through all of that mess I stopped eating raw and gave in to stress eating and gained back all the weight I had lost. So this is a new beginning for me. I have been raw for two weeks now.
I will be posting my monthly success in the form of pictures. This is something I didn't do last time I lost the weight that I wish I had done. My before picture is so awful that I don't even want to post it. I will wait until I have a one month update and post them side by side. Maybe that is a cop out, but it is what I feel comfortable with.
I titled this today's the day because so many times we put off what needs to be done until another day. Today is the day to take back your health and start a new lease on life by eating raw and living foods. I have never felt better in my life than when I was 100% raw. What a wonderful gift to give yourself.