Yesterday was so awesome! My children all one by one decided that they wanted to eat raw with me. All of them!!!!! So we had smoothies for breakfast, apple salad for a snack, and blueberry smoothies for lunch with apple pie for dessert. At first they were just going to eat raw during the day and then eat a regular vegetarian dinner. But my three youngest decided that they would rather have a salad with me instead and didn't eat the SAD meal I made for my husband. So four out of our six children (counting the baby who is nursing exclusively) were all raw all day yesterday and the other two were 75% raw. This is very good!!!! The really cool thing is that they all just decided on their own without any persuading from me. In fact I wanted to make it clear to them that they didn't have to eat raw and that if they wanted to have regular dinner they certainly could.
We have been all raw today as well. they want me to make raw burgers for supper but I don't have enough time to have those tonight so I'll start them for tomorrow to have. I think I will make nori rolls for supper tonight to give them a change from salad, even though they like it, it is nice to have more variety for them.
This weekend I don't expect them to stay raw. Friday is our oldest daughters birthday and she has requested raw pancakes from Maraw for breakfast and a raw apple cake from Living Cuisine by Renee Underkoffler. She is having a cooked vegetarian supper, but hey, not bad right? I don't want to push them, I want it to be their choice. I definately don't want them to have the food issues I have dealt with for so long! Then on Saturday we are going to a childrens event at a local college. We have gone the last two years and it is quite fun. They pick a character (this year it is Clifford the Big Red Dog) and that is their theme. They have coloring contests, cookie decorating, story time, movies, book sales and a person dressed up like their theme character to take pictures with. It is really fun and they have always enjoyed going. If they want to eat cookies I will not tell them no. Also we are going to the in-laws on Sunday to celebrate two of our childrens birthdays and they will eat whatever is there probably. If any of them stays raw through the weekend I will be very surprised (pleasantly!) Like I said though, I don't want to
push it on them and be legalistic about it. I am sure that after eating cookies and cake this weekend they will notice a difference in how they feel after eating mostly raw all week. They are very smart children. Even my meat loving son has declared to me that he only wants to eat raw, vegan and vegetarian. I thought that was cute! And this was all unprodded by me. I just tell them why I eat what I eat and let them figure things out themselves. Our oldest daughter said that after her birthday she thinks that she would like to eat all raw too. She is having her favorite SAD food for supper on her birthday and I don't think she wants to miss out on that!
So, things are going good here. It definately makes it easier on me to not be the only one raw and having them eat raw all day with me helps so much!! The pie I made yesterday came out really good and I just basically threw things in.
Ok, thats it now. I need to go start the burgers if we want to have them for supper tomorrow!